IAMM Health Month

IAMM Health Month

Service 1 I AMM Healthy Month

From the launch of the website , IAMM will be hosting its renewed “IAMM Wellness Month ” series, a public benefit initiative that honors IAMM Public health volunteers ( Public Contributions of Health Volunteer (PHV) member organizations to provide support and guidance to patients and their families . Over a series of one-month periods , IAMM ‘s PHV places patient issues front and center on the Society’s agenda. IAM M with PHV key leaders or partners collaborate to develop, aggregate and host links to patient-focused disease-specific content on their websites .

November is “Global Lung Cancer Awareness Month”. This is a global initiative initiated by the World Lung Cancer Alliance in November 2001 . Popularize the knowledge of standardized diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer. The main leader of the PHV will be David Yang , MD . For more information on IAMM Health Month, please contact PHV Key Leader David Yang, MD . Disclaimer: “The IAMM Website Health Month is for educational purposes only. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for personal medical care, a doctor’s diagnosis, or direct medical care. If you are concerned about your own health or that of a family member, please consult your family immediately healthcare provider. Do not wait for a response from our members, employees or partners.

Lung cancer monthly plan: publicize the importance of lung cancer prevention, raise people’s awareness of lung cancer prevention and anti-cancer , and popularize the knowledge of standardized diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer. The strong grassroots and wide coverage of the Internet of Things and metaverse medical technology.

Refer to the questions and answers below to spread the word.


Lung cancer monthly publicity: references: Bai Chunxue’s leading consensus guidelines (Chinese Tuberculosis Respiratory , 2018, 41(10):763-771 ; International Journal of Respiratory, 2022, 42:5-12.), and Bai Chunxue’s “The Future Has Come – Our metaverse medicine” and the monograph “Early Lung Cancer” edited by Bai Chunxue and others published by People’s Health Publishing House
serial number question Give answers based on your own monograph or consensus guidelines
1 How the general public and patients can prevent lung cancer ” Know yourself and the enemy, avoid taboos and replace them, pay close attention to the secondary prevention (secondary prevention), and fight wisely without fear . ” In terms of self-management, we should pay attention to ” know yourself, know the enemy, and avoid avoidance and replacement ” , that is, know the risk factors of lung cancer, how to avoid them and cure them early. Paying attention to ” Secondary Prevention, Smart Contest ” can avoid delayed diagnosis and over-treatment, and improve the 10 -year survival rate and radical cure rate. Problems that cannot be solved by IoT technology can be solved in Metaverse Medical. The virtual meta-doctor avatar can help patients understand the condition and treatment plan (Figure 12-5 ), and the initial evaluation, research and judgment process can improve the sensitivity and specificity of the evaluation.
2 What’s the key to improving the burden of lung cancer Lung cancer is a disease that seriously endangers human health. Regardless of male or female, the mortality rate ranks first among malignant tumors, and the 5- year survival rate is only 19.7% . In order to improve their prognosis, it is urgent to change the current diagnosis and treatment model, popularize screening, early diagnosis and early treatment, and then it is possible to move back the three curative effect considerations of ” reducing pain, restoring health, and saving lives ” , that is, from often comforting patients. , into restoring health and even saving lives.
3 Why smoking is a risk factor for lung cancer Smoking : It is the main risk factor of lung cancer. Nicotine, benzopyrene, nitrosamines and a small amount of radioactive elements polonium in smoke all have carcinogenic effects, especially squamous cell carcinoma and undifferentiated small cell carcinoma. There is an obvious dose – effect relationship between the amount of smoking and lung cancer. The younger the age of smoking, the longer the smoking time, and the greater the amount of smoking, the higher the incidence and mortality of lung cancer.
4 The relationship between air pollution and lung cancer Carcinogens in industrial waste gas and respiratory fine particles ( PM2.5 ) can pollute the atmosphere, especially those containing carcinogens such as 3,4 benzopyrene, arsenous oxide, and radioactive substances. Long-term exposure to high concentrations of PM2.5 can increase the risk of lung cancer death by 8% to 37% . A prospective study conducted by the American Cancer Society on 12 million adults found that for every 10ug/m3 concentration increase after long-term exposure to PM2.5 , the relative risk of lung cancer death was 1.14 . A 17 long-term prospective study conducted in 9 European countries also found that long-term exposure to PM2.5 was associated with an increased risk of lung adenocarcinoma; for every 5 μg/m3 increase in PM2.5 , the risk ratio of lung adenocarcinoma was 1.55 .
5 Inheritance and Gene Alterations Linked to Lung Cancer Lung cancer is the result of the interaction between individual susceptibility and environmental carcinogens. Among them, 35.8% of patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the lung had a family history of lung cancer, and 58.3% of female patients with bronchioloalveolar cell carcinoma had a family history of lung cancer. The occurrence and development of lung cancer is a complex process involving multiple genes. Many oncogenes (such as ras , myc , bcl-2 ), tumor suppressor genes ( p53 , Clu3p , p16 , Rb , FHIT ), metastasis-related genes (such as mtal , Tiam-1 ) participate in the regulation of lung cancer occurrence, development, invasion and metastasis . Recent studies in China have shown that two novel loci ( 13q12.12 and 22q12.2 ) and several genetic variants (3q28 , 5p15.33 , 13q12.12 and 22q12.2) are associated with lung cancer susceptibility in Chinese Han population.
6 The relationship between occupation and lung cancer Occupational factors The substances related to the incidence of lung cancer include asbestos, arsenic, chromium, nickel, beryllium, coal tar and the heating products of tobacco, as well as radon and radon daughter gas produced by the decay of radioactive substances such as uranium and radium, ionizing radiation and microwave radiation, etc. , can increase the risk of lung cancer by 3 to 30 times. The time from exposure to lung cancer is related to the degree of exposure, usually more than 10 years, with an average of 16 to 17 years. Among them, asbestos may be the most common occupational factor in lung cancer, and smoking can significantly increase the risk.
7 What are the other lung cancer risk factors? Large doses of ionizing radiation can cause lung cancer, but the effects of different rays are different. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a risk factor for lung cancer that equals or even exceeds the risk of smoking. Tuberculosis patients are 10 times more likely to develop lung cancer than normal people. Viral infection, mycotoxin (Aspergillus flavus), etc. may also promote the occurrence of lung cancer. Emotions such as depression, worry, sadness, tension, anger, or anxiety can cause stress in the body, affect the regulation of the neuroendocrine system of the hypothalamus and the function of the autonomic nervous system, reduce the level of cellular immunity of the body, and increase the probability of lung cancer . Its mechanism has not been elucidated.
8 Can quitting smoking help prevent lung cancer? Tobacco control is easy for doctors to do and is the most effective way to help the public reduce the burden of lung cancer. During the period of 2 to 15 years after smoking cessation , the risk of lung cancer decreases progressively, and the incidence rate thereafter is equivalent to that of a lifetime non-smoker. Smoking cessation intervention methods are mainly psychological intervention and drug treatment, including explaining the harm of smoking to patients, providing psychological counseling for smoking cessation, and guiding patients to quit smoking scientifically and safely.
9 What are the standards for the prevention and control of PM2.5 24- hour average standard value of PM2.5 in China : 0-50 is ” excellent “; 50-100 is ” good “; 100-150 is ” slightly polluted “; 150-200 is “moderately polluted” ; 200-300 is ” moderately polluted ” It is ” heavy pollution “; severe pollution is 300 and above, the widest standard set by the World Health Organization.
10 Can stricter PM2.5 standards be adopted? In order to prevent PM2.5 from harming health, you can also set stricter PM2.5 standards yourself: ( 1 ) Establish a small indoor safe environment: using air conditioners, humidifiers, air fresheners, etc. indoors can significantly reduce PM2.5 concentration, the filter membrane needs to be cleaned or replaced. ( 2 ) You need to wear a professional dust mask when you go out: because the particles are too small, the effect of general conventional masks is limited. Only KN90 , KN95 , and N95 -level dust masks can effectively filter such fine particles. At the same time, you must choose a mask that suits your face shape to avoid leakage around it due to lack of tightness.
11 How to prevent and control the direct harm of PM2.5 PM2.5 comes from: not only first-hand smoke will directly endanger health, second-hand smoke (also known as passive smoking) is also the most harmful and serious source of indoor air pollution, including tar, ammonia, nicotine, suspended particles, PM2.5 , polonium -210 and more than 4000 kinds of harmful chemicals and dozens of carcinogens.
12 How to prevent and control the indirect harm of PM2.5 PM2.5 indirect sources of harm: PM2.5 in smog weather and polluted environments , smoke residues can remain on clothes, walls, carpets and furniture, and even hair and skin surfaces for several months. Among them, nicotine can react with nitrous acid, a common air pollutant, to form a strong carcinogen, which can invade hair, clothes and skin. one or more violations. For this reason, it is recommended that after coming into contact with a possible polluted environment, the face and exposed skin should be washed immediately after returning home, and the worn clothes should be washed to enhance self-protection and the protection of others.
13 How to prevent and control occupational risk factors Occupational risk factors related to lung cancer are attracting the attention of relevant departments, and most occupational lung cancer exposure risks can be prevented. my country is improving relevant planning and prevention and control measures to strengthen labor protection and reduce occupational exposure. Asbestos-related occupations have received attention, and radon and radon daughter gases, ionizing radiation, and microwave radiation produced when radioactive substances such as uranium and radium decay, are also receiving corresponding attention, which will help reduce the related incidence and mortality of lung cancer.
14 what other protection More and more studies suggest that tea polyphenols in green tea may have the effect of preventing lung cancer. A high intake of fruits and vegetables is associated with a lower risk of lung cancer, which may be related to the presence of specific antioxidants, micronutrients such as β- carotene, vitamins C , E , etc. in fruits and vegetables.
15 What to do after being diagnosed with ” lung nodules ” ? Refer to the Chinese consensus and Asia-Pacific guidelines, integrate the 5A process and PNapp 5A , provide reference for experts from the sub-centers of the China Lung Cancer Prevention and Control Alliance, put forward diagnosis and treatment opinions, and scientifically manage pulmonary nodules .
16 How to accept ” PNapp 5A process “ Accepting the characteristic ” Pulmonary Nodule PN Approach ” will help improve intelligent diagnosis and treatment and scientific management. After visiting the clinic, you can scan the PNapp 5A QR code and enter relevant basic information.
17 PNapp 5A assists early diagnosis and early treatment 1A (Medical History Inquiry): Enter smoking history, family history of cancer, history of occupational dust exposure, history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, etc.
2A (examination and evaluation): The appearance, content, benign and malignant characteristics and follow-up changes of pulmonary nodules should be evaluated by imaging.
3A (recommendation): put forward suggestions for differential diagnosis, improve routine examinations such as tumor markers, fungi, and tuberculosis, and individualized examinations such as
AI , CAC (circulating abnormal cells), new combination autoantibodies, and PET for patients or family members to choose. 4A (Arrangement): According to the test results, refer to the consensus guidelines to choose the corresponding biopsy, antibiotic treatment or arrange follow-up. When pulmonary nodules > 10 mm still cannot be diagnosed, experienced experts or the alliance should arrange consultation.
5A (Internet of Things Assisted Management): According to pathological results and staging, routine postoperative management. Individualized technologies such as AI , CAC , and epigenetics can also be used to assist in formulating individualized plans for preventing recurrence and controlling metastasis.
18 What opinion can a doctor give under PNapp 5A A : Choose a diagnosis and treatment plan: 1. Antibiotic treatment; 2. Non-surgical biopsy: ( ) Bronchoscopy; ( ) Magnetic navigation; ( ) Ultrasonic bronchoscopy; 3. Individual selection when it is difficult to obtain biopsy specimens 🙁 ) AI ; ( ) CAC ; 4. Surgical biopsy: ( ) Thoracoscopic non-surgical biopsy; ( ) thoracotomy.
B : Follow-up plan for those who cannot be diagnosed: ( ) 3-6 months; ( ) 6 months; ( ) 6-12 months; ( ) for 12 months.
C : Postoperative management: ( 1 ) routine follow-up; ( 2 ) individualized management: precise management of stage IB patients or patients at risk of recurrence and metastasis.
19 What do patients need to pay attention to? 1. Quit smoking and avoid passive smoking; 2. Avoid smog and wear a protective mask when going out in moderate to heavy pollution; 3. Improve immune function ;
4. Closely cooperate with follow-up visits.
20 how to see a doctor The China Alliance for Lung Cancer Prevention and Control has established 900 sub-centers for diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary nodules, see the China Alliance for Lung Cancer Prevention and Control website at http://caalc.net .
twenty one Does Professor Bai need outpatient hours? ( 1 ) Monday morning: Special Needs Outpatient Clinic, Building 15 , Zhongshan Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University ; ( 2 ) Monday afternoon: Yuanhe Xintai Outpatient Department (No. 118-2 , Ruijin 2nd Road , Shanghai), Tuesday morning: Shanghai Xinrui, a subsidiary of Parkway Medical Medical Center ( No. 336 , Xizang Middle Road ), which can do AI analysis (requires a recorded DICOM format thin-slice CT disc or U disk, or upload Baidu cloud disk in advance to send the link to the assistant); for return visits (Shanghai Xinrui Medical Center and Circle and follow-up visits, patients who were recommended by Professor Bai of Zhongshan Hospital for AI diagnosis) are charged at half price. Online: Follow the introduction of WeDoctor and Good Doctor.
twenty two Other more information (1) Popular science video: visit ihclub.org.cn website, browse: (1 ) overview of pulmonary nodules; ( 2 ) medical treatment for pulmonary nodules; ( 3 ) diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary nodules; ( 4 ) life and Management; ( 5 ) China Lung Cancer Prevention Alliance: Prevention and Treatment of Lung Cancer; ( 6 ) World Cancer Day – Healthy China Tour.
twenty three A key sentence for patients to prevent and control lung cancer ” Early diagnosis is expected to cure for life, and intelligent diagnosis and treatment can expand life . ” ( 1 ) Early diagnosis is expected to be cured for life: I took the lead in formulating the ” Consensus on Diagnosis and Treatment of Pulmonary Nodules in China ” and ” Guidelines for Diagnosis and Treatment of Pulmonary Nodules in Asia-Pacific ” , taking pulmonary nodules as a breakthrough in early diagnosis and integrating them into the ” PNapp 5A ” developed by me , through the project promotion of hundreds (hundreds of hospitals) thousand (thousand experts) (100,000 cases of diagnosis and treatment each year), it is planned to diagnose more than 200,000 cases of early-stage lung cancer every year, so that 90% of patients will be cured for life . ( 2 ) Intelligent diagnosis and treatment to expand life: On January 28 , 2002 , when I established China’s first lung tumor comprehensive diagnosis and treatment center in Shanghai Zhongshan Hospital, I proposed the three -combination syndrome differentiation method of ” integrating the whole body with the local area, eliminating evils with strengthening the body, and combining the routine with the individual ” . Therapeutic principles, after the establishment of the Internet of Things Medicine in 2008, it was integrated into the individualized management after surgery and the comprehensive treatment of targeted, immunotherapy and radiotherapy for advanced lung cancer, aiming to intelligently assist patients to expand the length and breadth of their lives and realize the ” famous The vision of “curing disease before disease and benefiting all living beings with original medicine ” .
twenty four Is early diagnosis hopeful for life-long cure? Can. For example: 65 -year-old Ms. Zhang has been troubled by ” small nodules ” in her lungs for 8 years , and she has been to many hospitals but has not been able to get a clear diagnosis. At the end of July 2014 , I found the ” Pulmonary Nodule Specialized Clinic ” of Professor Bai Chunxue of Zhongshan Hospital on my mobile phone by ” scanning ” . The ” small nodules ” that had troubled him for many years were finally diagnosed as early-stage adenocarcinoma by the ” Three Plus Two Diagnosis Method for Medical Pulmonary Nodules in Internet of Things ” , and he underwent thoracoscopic surgery to dismantle the ” time bomb ” buried in his body . In the past 7 years, Professor Bai’s Internet of Things ” Special Needs Clinic ” has ” treated ” more than 6,000 cases of pulmonary nodules , and Zhongshan Hospital has diagnosed and treated more than 10,000 cases of early-stage lung cancer, and the 10 -year survival rate may reach 90% .
25 How intelligent diagnosis and treatment can expand life Please refer to the case: male patient, 40 years old, CT examination revealed nodules in the left upper lung, pathologically diagnosed as stage Ia adenocarcinoma of the left upper lung , but no sensitive driver gene mutation. Pulmonary function showed severe obstruction-based ventilatory dysfunction ( FEV1pred 12.6 %), unable to tolerate radical surgery or radiotherapy. Seretide ( 500/50ug ) and Spiriva intensive therapy were given first, and after the lung function FEV1 rose to 0.79L , TOMO precise radiotherapy was given. After seven years of follow-up, there is no adverse reaction such as shortness of breath, FEV1 remains at about 0.75L , the primary tumor forms a fibrous scar, and the glucose metabolism of PET is 1.0 , and there is no recurrence or metastasis.
26 Can bilateral thoracic lung cancer be resected at the same time? Can. For example, a 49- year-old female patient has been found to have pulmonary nodules for 5 years. In several major hospitals in China and Japan, the conclusions are that the lesions are small and difficult to diagnose, and the reexamination will be carried out in 3-6 months. For the final peace of mind, I visited Professor Bai of Zhongshan Hospital. Unexpectedly, Professor Bai suggested that both the left and right lung nodules have a malignant risk of 90% , and suggested surgical resection at the same time. The intraoperative pathology report showed microinvasive lung cancer in the left lower lung and invasive lung cancer in the upper lobe of the right lung. They are currently undergoing individualized management. At present, Zhongshan Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University has accumulated hundreds of cases of experience.